
FLEXIS celebrates International Women’s Day 2019

As part of our celebrations for IWD 2019, we talked to some of the women in our team about this year’s theme of #BalanceforBetter and their experience of gender balance in the world of engineering.

What does the IWD 2019 theme #BalanceforBetter mean to you?

Working as a female Sociologist in the School of Engineering is a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. I have found Cardiff University and the Welsh engineering community to be supportive and open to new ideas. I recommend an interdisciplinary career to all.
Dr Aleksandra Koj, FLEXIS Deputy Director, Cardiff University

We can never know for sure what will make for a better world so, for me, taking a balanced approach means being prepared to stop and ask questions when I am faced with seemingly implacable demands, needs and desires to change the world in particular ways. I do not see this as a recipe for inaction, but as a way of responding with due care and attention when living in a rapidly changing world.
Prof Karen Henwood, Professor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

This slogan reminds me that, although progress has been made towards gender balance, there is still a lot of work to do in different sectors of society and different parts of the world to reach equality.
Dr Grazia Todeschini, Senior Lecturer in Engineering, Swansea University

Balance drives a better working world. Everyone has a role to play and should get an equal opportunity.
Dr Amandeep Kaur, Research Fellow, University of South Wales

Do you feel you have overcome any stereotypes to reach your position today? What challenges have you faced?

Receiving an education is a privilege, as is working in a university environment; both bring with them significant challenges – but that is as it should be!
Prof Karen Henwood, Professor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University

I encountered more challenges when I was an undergraduate student, as at the time, my discipline of Electrical Engineering was not studied by many women. In the workplace, I haven’t encountered the same issues – instead I have been encouraged to make my voice heard and take over more responsibilities.
Dr Grazia Todeschini, Senior Lecturer in Engineering, Swansea University

I have worked in the field of science for the last 10 years and believe that focus, dedication and hard work can overcome any gender issue or stereotype. I have been fortunate to have the support of my family and colleagues in India and the UK to reach the position I’m in today.
Dr Amandeep Kaur, Research Fellow, University of South Wales