> Seren Ground Loop Analyser - Flexis GRC Engineering Cymru | Flexis

The number of installed ground source energy facilities is markedly disproportionate to the amount of naturally occurring thermal energy. Critical to ineffective use of ground thermal energy is the uncertainty involved in estimating the efficiency and cost effectiveness of Ground Source Heat Pump systems (GSHP). One of the main reasons for this uncertainty is the absence of suitable design tools capable of effectively simulating thermal processes.

Seren Ground Loop Analyser (GLA) has been developed to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in Wales to analyse the length of the ground loop. The software has been developed in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition, and it can run in Windows XP, 7 – or higher – operating systems.

GLA tool has been developmed to simulate the GSHP system operation for heating purposes only. It analyses the response of the ground and evaluates the fluid outlet temperature based on the given ground loop length. Ground temperature has been calculated using the principle of unsteady heat conduction. A two-dimensional implicit finite difference numerical solution is obtained.

The input parameter required for analysis is entered through a user friendly interface and the output enables the enterprise to easily track the temperature of ground and outlet fluid.

The software tool determines the following parameters:

  • Total loop length that would satisfy the heat requirement of the building;
  • Soil temperature adjacent to the pipe location;
  • Fluid outlet temperature; and
  • Minimum fluid outlet temperature.

These values are determined to be true and applicable for the lifetime of the GSHP system.

The software has been designed to maintain fluid temperature > 0 °C for the lifetime of the GSHP system. The tool also has a reporting function that prints out information to Microsoft Word. This enables results to be visually displayed and readily used for presentations and for the dissemination of information.

By developing this easy-to-use tool, it is hoped that the GRC’s Seren project will be of direct benefit to Welsh SMEs striving to improve or gain knowledge of GSHP systems. Successful implementation of this product will help to remove the uncertainties in design of an effective GSHP system.

To request a copy of the Seren Ground Loop Analyser or to request further information, please contact:

The GRC, (Seren project), School of Engineering,
Cardiff University, The Queen’s Buildings,
The Parade, Newport Road,
Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Tel: +44 (0) 29 2087 0497
Email: Seren@Cardiff.ac.uk