
Mohammed El Amine

Dr. Mohammed El Amine Slama is currently researcher at the Advanced High Voltage Engineering Research Centre of Cardiff University and working on FLEXIS Project related to Alternative Environmentally Gas for Electrical Networks Insulation team. He received his PhD degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon -France in electrical engineering and high voltage. He was previously research engineer at General Electric and SuperGrid Institute Villeurbanne- France (2014-2017). He was Professor assistant at University of Lyon 1 (2010-2011) and Lecturer at University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO) and member of High Voltage & Electrical Field Team of the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering of USTO, Algeria (2004-2008/2011-2013).

He is member of various steering committee of international conferences and reviewer for several international journals (IET, IEEE, IAP, MDPI, Springer, etc). His main research interests include eco-friendly gases for SF6 replacement, flashover and breakdown in gases, outdoor insulation, high voltage insulation & engineering, HV power system protection and insulation coordination.

He is member of BSI PEL036 and IEC-TC 36/PT, IEEE DEIS Outdoor Insulation Technical Committee and he is author/co-author of more than 110 scientific papers and technical reports.

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