Dr Stephen Robson’s research interests are in the areas of condition monitoring, next generation narrowband Power Line Communication and Fault location on high voltage electrical networks. In 2012, he was awarded a PhD for his work on power line communication and fault location on high voltage distribution networks. He was subsequently appointed Lecturer in the Advanced High Voltage Engineering Research Centre. Since his appointment, he has conducted several research projects in collaboration with industry. In 2015, he was principal investigator for a National Grid funded project on the topic of non-contact measurement of trapped charge. Between 2013 and 2016, he was principal investigator on two Power Networks Research Academy (PNRA)/EPSRC funded projects on the development of an integrated power line communication and condition monitoring device for 11 kV networks. Presently, he is co-investigator on the “Environmentally Friendly Electrical Power Plant and Insulation Plant” work package of the £24M, Cardiff University led FLEXIS project. Stephen is a member of the IEEE and a steering committee member of the Universities High Voltage Network.