> Interlink RCT - Flexis GRC Engineering | Flexis

Interlink RCT are the Community Voluntary Council (CVC) for the Rhondda Cynnon Taff local authority and, as such, have responsibility for aiding the 3rdsector organisations within the Local Authority. Their aims are to increase community involvement and social wealth in one of the most deprived areas in Wales.

Interlink RCT first came to the attention of the Seren project through involvement with Communities First and the Business Club. Both of these organisations identified Interlink and their client groups as strong potential beneficiaries of Seren, particularly through the Cross Cutting Themes section (Environmental Management and Equality and Diversity).

Interlink were first approached via the Seren EMS software (Seren EcoCode), with Interlink agreeing that the software could be of potential benefit to the 3rd sector organisations of RCT and agreeing to signpost. A collaboration was identified, with Seren supporting Interlink through advanced computing/GIS mapping in the development of community MicroHydro schemes, aimed at generating income for communities within RCT.

Interlink and Seren are currently discussing how the expertise in the Seren project could best be harnessed by Interlink RCT to further the development of community Microhydro, safeguarding jobs and creating investment within the Welsh Valleys communities. It is also hoped that the provision of the Seren Equality and Diversity package will aid Interlink and its supported 3rd sector organisations by providing enterprises with a competitive edge when bidding for funding.

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