
Dr Peter Cleall

Joining Date: 12/04/2019

Peter John Cleall: graduated from Cardiff University in 1994 with a first class honours degree in Civil Engineering. He remained in Cardiff to read for a PhD, funded through an EPSRC Total Technology studentship with AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) as the supporting industrial company, focused on modelling the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical behaviour of expansive clays. Following a post-doc position he was appointed as an academic member of staff and is currently a Senior Lecturer.

Peter Cleall’s research activities initially focused on the area of coupled flow and deformation behaviour in soils and have developed to encompass a number of areas in the subject of geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering. He has been actively involved in a number of international research programmes, (for example, the Prototype Repository project and the Integrated Project NF-Pro, both key European Commission funded research activities in the area of geological disposal of high level nuclear waste). He has expertise and interest in:

  • Numerical and analytical modelling
  • Saturated and unsaturated soil behaviour
  • Fate and flow of pollutants in various media
  • Behaviour of permafrost and freezing/thawing soils
  • Integrated GIS assessment
  • Impact of vegetation on geotechnical and geoenvironmental systems
  • High-level nuclear waste repositories
  • Thermal ground energy, storage and extraction
  • Subsurface gas generation, flow and management

He undertook an 12 month industrial secondment to Jacobs Engineering UK (2010-2011) and has served as a member of the Géotechnique Advisory Panel (2010-2013). He currently is an Associate Regional Editor for the ICE’s Environmental Geotechnics Journal and regularly acts as a reviewer for numerous international journals and funding bodies. He has also acted as an expert reviewer for SKB, Sweden and currently serves as an MSc External Examiner at Imperial College.

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