
Dr Manju

Joining Date: 01/11/2010

I joined Geoenvironmental Research Center (GRC) in Nov. 2010 and am currently involved in Seren project. SEREN is £10 million European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funded project. I lead the Ground Source Heat pump package and my current primary responsibilities are to ensure effective alignment and address expertise gaps for on-going and new research work and providing strategic leadership and guidance in developing, implementing a coherent research for sustainable intensification in the Ground source heat pump technology for Small and Medium scale enterprises.

Prior to joining Cardiff University, I worked at Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany (Jan.2007-Dec.2008). There I worked to understand the physico-chemical behaviour of compacted bentonites and bentonite-sand mixtures for barrier design of nuclear waste disposal system.

My work experiences include area of low carbon technology, nuclear waste disposal system, and contaminated soil behaviour and remediation, a PhD in Engineering (Geo-environmental Engineering) and a certification in “Leadership and Management Development Programme for Research Team Leaders”.

Reviewer of Journals

  • Canadian Geotechnical Journal, published by NRC, Canada.
  • Soils and Foundation published by Japanese Geotechnical Society.
  • Ground Improvement published by Thomas Telford.
  • Acta Geotechnica, Springer publication.

Research Supervision

  • Nguyen Tuan Long: Numerical Modelling and parameter optimization of constitutive models of THM process (Master Level Program) – Co-Guide ( Prof. Tom Schanz and Dr. Maria Datcheva)

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