
Dr Vasilis Sarhosis

Joining Date: 01/12/2016

RESEARCH INTERESTS My principal research interests lie in the field of multi-scale and multi-phase computational modelling of structural materials and structures. I am keen to deliver new and innovative engineering technologies that will address the low carbon agenda.

EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS • B.Sc. (Civil and Structural Engineering) University of Leeds, June 2003 • MSc (Infrastructure Asset Maintenance and Management)University of Leeds, Sept 2004 • MSc (Sustainable Waste Management) University of Leeds, Sept 2006 • PhD (Computational modelling of low bond strength masonry) University of Leeds, Jan 2012

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 20011 – 2013 Post-doctoral Research Fellow,Institute of Resilient Infrastructure, University of Leeds, UK

TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2007 – 2012 Teaching Assistant, University of Leeds

INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE 2006 – 2007 Graduate Civil Engineer, Grontmij Ltd, Structures and Building Department, Leeds, UK. 2004 – 2005 Graduate Civil Engineer, MWH UK Ltd, Structures Department, Bradford, UK.

CURRENT AND RECENT RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. SEREN European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) research project 2. UCG&CO2 STORAGE European Commission RFCS project (RFC-PR-09022), 2010-2013 3. Strengthening of masonry arch highway bridges EPSRC CASE/CNA/07/22, 2007-2010

MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESIONAL BODIES • Chartered Engineer (CEng) Member, Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE). • Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) – Technical Supervisor/Manager. • Member of the International Masonry Society. • Technical Committee Member of the RILEM group CSM – Composites for sustainable Strengthening of Masonry.

PEER-REVIEW ACTIVITIES • The Journal of Engineering Structures (Elsevier). • The Journal of Structural Engineering (America Society of Civil Engineering – ASCE). • International Journal of Architectural Heritage (Taylor Francis). • International Masonry Society (IMS). • The Masonry Society (TMS). • International Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, USA. • Journal of Sustainable Mining (Central Mining Institute). • Oil & Gas Science and Technology (IFP Energies Nouvelles).

INVITED LECTURES, RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS • Development of geo-mechanical and cavity models for UCG spaces and CO2 storage. Workshop – Study of deep underground coal gasification and permanent storage of CO2 in the affected areas – results (UCG&CO2 STORAGE), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012. • A computational modelling approach for low bond strength masonry. Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, Poland, 2012. • Multi scale and multi-physics modelling – Engineering Applications. Centre for Energy Systems. National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2012. • Computational modelling strategies for masonry. School of Civil Engineering. National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2012. • Computational modelling of cavity growth – Applications and case studies. Department for Science and Technology, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2012. • 3D coupled thermal-mechanical numerical modelling of UCG cavity growth and surface subsidence. CERTH, Athens, Greece, 2012. • Computational modelling of the cavity growth in UCG. UK-Pakistan Coal conference, Leeds, 2012. • Computational modelling of clay brickwork walls containing openings. International Masonry Conference, Germany, 2010. • Distinct element modelling of masonry wall panels with openings. 9th Int. Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, 2009.

INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE • Graduate Civil Engineer, Grontmij Ltd, Structures and Building Department, Leeds, UK.(2006-2007) • Graduate Civil Engineer, MWH UK Ltd, Structures Department, Bradford, UK. (2004-2005)

PUBLICATIONS Peer –Reviewed Journals 1. Sarhosis V., Yang D., Sheng Y., Kempka T. (2013). Thermal Analysis of Underground Coal Gasification Rector Cool Down for Subsequent CO2 Storage, Energy Procedia, 40(1), pp 428-436, DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.08.049. 2. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2013). Identification of material parameters for masonry constitutive models, Journal of Engineering Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.12.013. 3. Sarhosis V., Yang D., Sheng Y. (2013). Modelling Cavity growth during UCG process. Journal of Energy Institute, accepted. 4. Sheng Y., Sarhosis V., Yang D., Green M., Nakaten N., Kempka T., Hristov N., Bukolska D., Merachev D., Koukouzas N., Katsimpardi I., Dinis da Gama C., Veríssimo A. (2013). Interdisciplinary Studies on the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Deep Underground Coal Gasification with CO2storage in Bulgaria, Journal for Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, accepted. 5. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2013). Influence of interface material properties on the mechanical response of low bond strength masonry, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), (in review). 6. Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Sheng Y., Manfredi G. (2013). Evaluation of different computational modelling strategies for modelling low strength masonry, Journal of Engineering Structures (in review). 7. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2013). Computational modelling of masonry joint degradation in wall panels with openings, Journal of Construction and Building Materials (in review). 8. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2012). A computational modelling approach for low bond strength masonry. Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, vol. 1, pp 559-566, ISBN 978-83-7125-216-7. 9. Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2010). Computational modelling of clay brickwork walls containing openings. International Masonry Society, vol. 3, pp.1743-1752. ISSN 0950-9615.

Conference Proceedings 1. Sarhosis V., Tsavdaridis K., Giannopoulos G. (2014). DE modelling of masonry in-filled steel frames with openings. In: 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal. (Abstract submitted). 2. Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Cosenza E. (2014). Discrete element modelling of the archaeological colonnade in Pompeii. In: 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal. (Abstract submitted). 3. Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Sheng Y., Manfredi G., Garrity S. (2014). Numerical evaluation of in-plane behaviour of low bond strength masonry by means of FEM and DEM analysis. In: 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal. (Abstract submitted). 4. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2013). Computational modelling of low bond strength brickwork wall/beam panels with retro-fitted reinforcement. In Proc. of the 12th Canadian Symposium, Vancouver, Canada. 5. Sarhosis V., Yang D., Kempka T., Sheng Y. (2013). Geomechanical analysis of underground coal gasification reactor cool down for subsequent CO2 storage. European Geosciences Union, Vol. 15, EGU2013-6059-1. 6. Sarhosis V., Oliveira D., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y., Lourenco P. (2013). The behaviour of skew single span masonry bridges. In: Proc. of 7th Conference on Arch Bridges (ARCH13), 2-4 October, Croatia. 7. Yang D., Sarhosis V., Sheng Y. (2012). Computational modelling of the cavity growth in UCG. UK-Pakistan Coal conference, 2-5 July, Leeds, UK. 8. Thomopoulos N., Sarhosis V. (2012). Bridging the gap between new research avenues: Using social media for natural disaster resilience. Poster presented in: 1st Conference on Mobilities, Infrastructures and Resilience. University of Leeds, Leeds. (Poster won the 2nd price). 9. Sheng Y., Ye J., Stewart D., Yang D., Sarhosis V., Eshiet K. (2012). Underground coal gasification and C02 capture and storage. Poster presented in: Energy Building Opening Ceremony, University of Leeds, UK. 10. Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2011). Increasing the resilience of masonry structures. Poster presented in: 1st Conference on Resilience, Adaptability and Infrastructure Decarbonisation, University of Leeds, UK. 11. Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2009). DEM of masonry wall panels with openings. Poster presented in: Young Research Conference, IStructE, London, UK. 12. Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng, Y. (2008). Distinct element modelling of masonry wall panels with openings. In: Proc. of the 9th Int. Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Paper 17.

REPORTS 1. Library of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Coal and Rocks under the Effect of Heat 2. 3D Coupled Thermal-Mechanical Numerical Modelling of UCG Cavity Growth and Surface Subsidence. 3. Stress and Permeability in Strata around UCG Cavities, Roof Collapse, and the CO2 storage Capacity. 4. Guidelines on Site Selection Criteria for UCG-CCS to be used in Future Feasibility Studies and Risk Assessments. 5. Areas for future Collaborations with other Coal Producing Countries in Asia, N. America and Africa.

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